Hello! I’m Ayush Shrivastava.
Diligent software engineer with 4+ years of experience in product-based software development. My experience ranges from working full-time for a startup with less than ten employees to fortune 500 companies like Samsung R&D. Currently working as a senior software developer at redBus (MakeMyTrip). The world's largest online booking platform with a global customer base of more than 23 million.
I am passionate about computer science and its application. I am a skilled Mobile developer with knowledge of backend engineering. I am a quick learner and a team worker that gets the job done. I can easily capitalize on low-hanging fruits and quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas.
Click here to know how we built the CI/CD platform from scratch which resulted in 100% improvement in the release cycle of an android application.
My Skills
I am a quick learner and specialize in multitude of skills

Professional Experience
Delivered more than 50 large scale features over the last three years, ranging from user experience improvements to a completely new business vertical to new payment integrations.
Proficiently troubleshoot simple and complex technological issues for different assigned projects, achieving over 95% customer satisfaction rate.
Documented many systems and applications to effectively train the new and existing team members.
Achieved 100% improvement in the release cycle by establishing the CI-CD pipeline from scratch with the vision of having everything automated in the organization.
Awarded Rookie of the Year, Trailblazer, Titan of the Quarter, and multiple spots awards within the organization.
Work and wrote paper on "Centralized Review Processing and Recommendation system"
Using customer review data from Twitter and Flipkart by web scrapping. Extracted the posts for specific entities of product and compared two products based on the customer opinion through plotting the polarity of their opinions.
Understanding how the overall product polarity graph is integration of its entities’ graphs and how we can compare and predict the polarity of customer opinion for a product.
Design, code, and support software solutions that can easily be scaled depending on the requirements
Worked on "redBus bus tracking" division to improve the user experience (Zoom level adjustments)
Created an automation testing tool for simulating whole bus journey given the previous latitude, and longitude
Python scripting to analyze GPS devices of various vendors (Number of pings per unit time
Got awarded for critical efforts and being the only intern whose two projects have gone live in the small amount of time. Received positive feedback from many redBus users on Twitter for the same
Gained exposure in functional design and requirement gathering for an Application Development
Developed UI Using PYQT and python scripting to automatically configure and start hadoop and mapreduce cluster ( NameNode, DataNode, JobTracker, TaskTracker) from single main cluster head.
Improved configuration management through Ansible Automation IT tool, Created Management software using bash and python scripting which generate logs of cluster nodes and innovated with Splunk to accomplish study of result generated by log files.
Full Stack Android Application
The personal weekend project that became a top keyword ranking application in Google Play with 25k+ downloads and 100+ daily active users.
With this application, the user can convert text to handwritten copy simply by typing or pasting words (Text to handwriting). The fastest way to finish work is by reducing the time it takes to write.
Kotlin is used in the Android development process with MVVM architecture, and python flask is used for the backend, running on the Google Cloud Platform.
Designed an algorithm that generates real handwriting on page by combining input letter by letter.
Virtual OS for visually impaired
Built a Demo Operating system using Java, servlets and web scrapping which is fully compatible to be used by virtually imparted using voice and sound
The web-app has all essential features such as:
1. Virtual Assistant
2. Email
3. Memo
4. Contacts
5. Entertainment (Sudoku)
6. Timer
Body posture detection and correction system

Built a real time human body posture detection and correction system using accelerometer sensor and NodeMCU (ESP8266). Also, built a mobile app to caution the user in case his/her posture is incorrect.
Created the wearable device smart enough to detect the body posture and indicate if there are any faulty movements by the user. App to track real time activity of users posture.
Postulated an algorith to analyze the sensor readings connected in the different parts of the body. The changes occuring in different directions are detected using accelerometers i.e by calculating the readings of each axes.
Automating android Maintenance processt
To Improve the app maintenance process by automation which helps reviewer and developers to quickly release the bug fixes (Automatic bug assign) therefore reducing the #Days to finish the complete rollout
Automation will be responsible for getting corrupt line number and file from stack trace and informing to developer
Awards & Recoginations
We had worked together for 2 projects which involved considerable amount of geometrical mathematics for GPS related data and programming. Ayush was able to translate the Mathematics into workable code. Be it Android or Python, he was able to do learn and do stuff very quickly. Being fast allowed us to do a lot of production grade software during his time as an intern.
His fundamentals on data structures and algorithms allowed him to write vey optimised code for a couple of tricky problem statements. I would love to have Ayush in my team any day.
Courses Include : Data Structures and Algorithms,Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Enterprise Architecture, Software Engineering, Digital signal processing and Object oriented programming.
Contact Me
If you like my work or just wanted to say hi then drop me a message using the contact form.
Or get in touch using my email, or my contact number.
See you!